
Welcome to the help site for the OOI Data Explorer!

Data Explorer Overview

The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is a science-driven ocean observing network that delivers real-time data from more than 800 instruments to address critical science questions regarding the world’s oceans. Funded by the National Science Foundation to encourage scientific investigations, OOI data are freely available online to anyone with an Internet connection.

The Data Explorer is a data exploration tool with a customized public web interface that allows scientists, managers, and the general public to discover and access OOI data.

Using the Data Explorer, you can search or browse real-time conditions cabled, uncabled, and recovered data for in situ physical, chemical, geological, and biological observations.

Datasets can be interactively charted using advanced features, such as the ability to create comparisons between data streams, bin data by time, and plot climatologies and anomalies.

Additionally, you can create and share custom comparisons of datasets to spotlight environmental events or geographic locations, access instrument metadata and provenance information, and download datasets in a variety of formats, including ERDDAP.

The Data Explorer is being actively developed by Axiom Data Science. For the notes about the latest portal version please visit: https://dataexplorer.oceanobservatories.org/#portal-updates

Documentation Overview

You can navigate this documentation using the links in the black sidebar on your left. The pages are organized into 2 main categories:

  • Overview

  • How-to

The Overview pages offer in-depth background information and narrative descriptions of the main features of the Data Explorer.

The How-to pages offer short, concrete descriptions of how to use the features of the Data Explorer.


If you have a question not answered by this documentation, please contact us via the Feedback button feedback_button_icon. Your feedback is important and will help us improve this documentation for future users!

These pages were last updated on May 24, 2023.